Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Same sex marriage

My husband and I were having a discussion about this the other night and we were wondering what on earth is the big deal? Really we can't figure out why people are so freaked out about it, there have been people that are attracted to the same sex since the beginning of time. Why is it such an issue if they want to get married? It's not like because the government doesn't recognize it they're going to stop being who they are. Those of you that are having a spaz about it, I would really like for you to tell me how it would impact your daily life, is it going to make the laundry, dishes or cleaning stop. Will the world stop turning because they can file their taxes jointly? I really don't think so. I mean if were going to make a big deal out of that we better start coming down on people that have threesomes because either way there is at least two of the same sex involved with that. I just wish people would get off they're soap box and just let it go. It's not like its some kind of contagious disease that becomes air born or something. Whether its legal or not it's not going to go away, and heaven forbid the country that preaches equality actually let everyone be equal. Just something for everyone to think about.

1 comment:

  1. Well put my dear there are many people who would like to have the world look just the way they want it to. This however is impossible, seeing as how everyone is different and make the world a beautiful place full of characters. I for one am all about having equality for all. I mean what in all the world would it hurt?
