Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My rambling

I don't want to act like everyone should know my opinion on everything, or get enjoyment out of my ranting and complaining. That is by no means my goal, I just try to write about things that are important to me in hopes someone out there can relate. I know what its like to feel stuck in my own world, and feel as if no one understands how I feel. I hope by doing this when I can find the time, it allows me to reach someone and let them know they aren't the only ones that feel that way. People that don't have kids, probably won't be able to relate to a lot of things I write about, however maybe they'll get an insight into parenthood. I throw the occasional random list or political opinion in there just to spice it up some, and get the blood flowing so to speak. Because I know if I just wrote about what I did all day like a diary, you would be bored to tears. I know I would be. At least this gives me a hobby that gives me enjoyment and the possibility of fulfillment. I am open to suggestions about topics, or thoughts if you have a question I am willing to give you an answer, we'll at least my answer. This is me just kind of rambling on but as an added note my husband has made a page for the blog, "The opinions of the lonely housewife" is the page name also so no one has to search randomly for it. Feel free to let me know what you think or feel or would like to talk about! Thanks everyone!

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