Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why I Blog.

I've been trying as of lately to write about things that have meaning to me and make me feel like I'm contributing to something (besides my own insanity). So I thought I would explain why I blog.

Anymore I spend a lot of time at home alone with my kids. Then there are occasions when I just need to vent and get things off of my mind. I have always had a problem with holding things in, and I never was good at keeping a journal. And every once in a while, I just need to get some thoughts or issues off of my chest. Sometimes they're funny and a little bit quirky, and other times they are issues that have been on my mind for a long time. This is a simple outlet, that I can use to reach a lot of people, yet get some feed back and a little release. Occasionally things I choose to write about can make me feel like I went to the store in my underwear, but at the same time once its finally posted the "stage fright" begins to subside.

This might not be the most interesting thing that I've written about, but it gives a little insight into who I am and what I'm about. I try to write about things that are important to me, and I have some first hand knowledge of. I don't like to write about things that I know nothing about, because it makes me feel like a fraud. I'm not going to stand up on a soap box and preach about how I'm right about something and if you don't like it you're just wrong. Everyone has an opinion, not everyone has to like it because its YOUR opinion. Difference are what make life interesting. People might not always like what I have to say or how I approach things, but they don't have to the fact they took the time to read what I have had to say (whether they liked it or not) is enough for me.

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