Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My "four" kids

Sometimes men amaze me to no end, well at least mine anyway. One thing that I have never understood is his ability to tone everything out and ignore it all. If I have a kid screaming in my ear my first reaction to the shrill is my ears fall off, then I try to stop it asap so I can put them back on. With him it's like he doesn't have any ears at all, except when he compensates by turning the volume up on the tv or computer, then it just makes me think hes actually deaf. Another thing that I just do get is how he can see a piece of trash on the floor and instead of putting in the TRASH CAN, either stuffs it in his pocket, behind the couch or in the cushions. So when I look for something in the couch I find enough snack wrappers to wall paper the house.

I guess men just think different, one of those out of sight out of mind moments. He leaves just as big a trail in the morning as the kids do ( I really think he believes the cleaning fairies show up and pick it up). I think one of my favorites is the questions like "where is the toilet paper" like I hide it in some obscure location or something. It makes me giggle though when he starts whistling from the bathroom to get my attention and ask for a towel (our towel cabinet is IN the bathroom). The other task that makes me a little crazy is loading the dishwasher not that he won't do it, its just that he thinks its a miracle worker pre-washing isn't always in his agenda so my agenda is always rechecking the "clean" dishes for food chucks and starting all over again.

Don't get me wrong, he tries really hard to help sometimes, and I appreciate it when he does it without me asking or begging more than anything. Just the way he goes about some things fathoms me. Adding ten extra steps to simple tasks that make them take ten times as long, and then ask why it takes so long. He hates cleaning the bathroom, because there really isn't a way to skip parts without me noticing.

There are those days when I feel like I have four kids (2 actual kids, one dog, and a husband), each leaves a trail of junk from one end of the house to the other. I can tell where everyone has started and finished their morning, starting with the trail of clothes, then cereal bowls, cups, food left out, toothbrushes all over the counter, towels, papers, and whatever else was needed. It's frustrating having to be everyone's mother and alarm clock, I think some of this needs to be added to pre-nups, vows, and marriage licenses. All I can really say is nothing will prepare you entirely for marriage and children, but I will firmly recommend at least staying with your significant other before you get married, so the surprises aren't as shocking. There is a lot more to it than just playing house.

Just as an added note I will give him some credit he takes everything I write in stride, and give his in put before and after posting. At least he doesn't mind being my inspiration either in examples of frustration or happiness!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much says it all huh? lol this is too funny!
