Life. It has its times when its a struggle, and then times when it looks like nothing could be better. Sometimes its harder to look at the good times because the bad times have a stronger affect. I have been though rough times that make me wonder what the point is, and sometimes they can still be sore spots. So my new goal in life is to take what I learn from those times and turn them into positive experiences. Even if things hurt, if you look hard enough you can find something to learn from. Its not always easy to look for the lessons, but that's when you need to take a step back and take stock of what's important.
Life throws you things that you aren't prepared for, and the best thing you can do is take it a day at a time. There are times when for me looking too far in the future is overwhelming, because there is no way to know if you're going to make it through all of the things that are going on. But if I change my perspective and take it a day at a time, next thing I know more time has passed than I though, and everything is still in one piece. Its not always the easiest thing to do, but taking sometime to think seems to help.
If life was easy all the time would the good times mean as much? Anything in life worth while is going to take work, and its not going to be a walk though the park. However, if it was always simple it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining. I have met people in many different situations and sometimes have wondered afterwards what the hell I was thinking, but then when I meet someone that surprises me and makes me smile it makes all the idiots worth while. Kinda like that Rascal Flatts song says "Bless this broken road that lead me straight to you." Never heard a truer thing be said.
Things in life will get you down but you have to pick yourself up and try again and again.