Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Hubby

I learned this weekend how much my husband really means to me. There are time when he frustrates me so badly that I can't see straight, and there are times when I just rip his ears off, but he is one of the only people that really understands me. He is there when I'm upset over something that happened and isn't new news. Sometimes I just want to stay mad or sad about things that I can't fix or change, and he always finds a way to bring me back around to the present. Many times calling him a dork is a severe understatement but that is what makes him so fun. Lots of things get in the way and can cloud what's really important, but when the fog clears he's the one that is still there. If I'm cranky and he can't think of a way to fix it, I will hear the music start and he dances all crazy around the house just to get a smile out of me. I have never met someone that would do anything to make me happy. I don't always realize how much him just being there really means, even if he can't fix what the problem is. He's a unique individual with his own out look on life, but he is mine I would never trade him in for anything because with out him, who would be there to put on my fishnets and do a little dance just to see me laugh?

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate that more than you can ever know babe! I have never wanted anything more than just for you to be happy. So I may from time to time do some pretty ridiculous things just to get you to smile but I can stand to see you sad. I love you more than words can explain. And just as a p.s. we can keep the fishnets to ourselves :)
